The above video shows that the security services did the false flag attack in Paris.

The Paris Attack is a psy-op.

1. CBC News reported:
The journalists from Charlie Hebdo only gather in their Paris office once per week.
"A Charlie Hebdo reporter told the French newspaper Le Monde that the attackers had to have been informed that the editorial meeting was taking place, otherwise there are not many people on the premises."
Who would have informed the shooters about the meeting on that day?
Who would have informed the shooters about the meeting on that day?
2. There were police INSIDE the Charlie Hebdo offices BEFORE the attack took place.
"Two officers who had been assigned to protect editor and cartoonist Stephane Charbonnier for the past several years came down from an upper floor and intercepted the gunmen."
Confusion as French hunt magazine attack suspects
"Two officers who had been assigned to protect editor and cartoonist Stephane Charbonnier for the past several years came down from an upper floor and intercepted the gunmen."
Confusion as French hunt magazine attack suspects
How is it that the police seemed so useless?
A journalist at Charlie Hebdo let the gunmen into the heavily protected offices.
Srangely, there were no armed police outside the offices.

3. There were heavily armed police in the vicinity and all over the centre of Paris.
"Outside the building, as the gunmen tried to flee in their Citroën van, three officers in a police patrol car intercepted them.
Srangely, there were no armed police outside the offices.

3. There were heavily armed police in the vicinity and all over the centre of Paris.
"Outside the building, as the gunmen tried to flee in their Citroën van, three officers in a police patrol car intercepted them.
"Two suspects got out of the van...
"An officer ...ran toward the suspects. But the officer was shot and wounded by the suspects. He was executed with a shot to the head as he lay on the sidewalk."
"An officer ...ran toward the suspects. But the officer was shot and wounded by the suspects. He was executed with a shot to the head as he lay on the sidewalk."
Confusion as French hunt magazine attack suspects

After this policeman was 'shot' in the head with blanks, there is no sign of blood.
There are 3 different accounts of who this policeman was.
In one account he an officer who emerged from a police car.
In another account he is a policeman who came out of a police station.
And in a third account he is a policeman who was on a bicycle.
CanSpeccy alerted us to this video. Google keeps on censoring this affair, so here it is on - Charlie Hebdo police officer shooting zoomed in ...

There are 3 different accounts of who this policeman was.
In one account he an officer who emerged from a police car.
In another account he is a policeman who came out of a police station.
And in a third account he is a policeman who was on a bicycle.
CanSpeccy alerted us to this video. Google keeps on censoring this affair, so here it is on - Charlie Hebdo police officer shooting zoomed in ...
Google has been removing the videos that show this fake shot.
4. "After killing the officer, the gunmen returned to their car, shouting, 'We avenged the Prophet Muhammad,' the source said."
The purpose of this source would appear to be to label the gunmen as Moslems, rather than assets of Mossad and the French government.

5. Mossad and the French security services appear to have had their posters printed in advance?
"They want to scare French citizens."
Confusion as French Hunt Magazine Attack Suspects
Amchai Stein, the deputy editor of Israeli IBA Channel 1, just happened to be at the scene and has been posting photos of the shooting.
The whole purpose of the CIA-Mossad-NATO Operation Gladio was to scare the citizens of France and Europe.
Amchai Stein, the deputy editor of Israeli IBA Channel 1, just happened to be at the scene and has been posting photos of the shooting.
The whole purpose of the CIA-Mossad-NATO Operation Gladio was to scare the citizens of France and Europe.

6. In false flag attacks, the alleged terrorists allegedly leave behind identity cards or passports.
7. In false flag attacks, the authorities often give conflicting evidence.
"Two senior U.S. counter-terrorism officials told NBC News that one of the suspects in the attack had been killed and that two others were in custody."
Confusion as French hunt magazine attack suspects
7. In false flag attacks, the authorities often give conflicting evidence.
"Two senior U.S. counter-terrorism officials told NBC News that one of the suspects in the attack had been killed and that two others were in custody."
Confusion as French hunt magazine attack suspects
The 'patsies' were probably in custody before the attack.

8. In false flag attacks, the security services need 'patsies'.
The French authorities have named the 'patsies' as Said Kouachi, Cherif Kouachi and Hamyd Mourad.
Several of Hamyd's school friends have taken to Twitter saying he was in class with them at the time of the attack.

8. In false flag attacks, the security services need 'patsies'.
The French authorities have named the 'patsies' as Said Kouachi, Cherif Kouachi and Hamyd Mourad.
Several of Hamyd's school friends have taken to Twitter saying he was in class with them at the time of the attack.

The Kouachi brothers have secular (non religious) backgrounds
Said Kouachi, 34, and his brother Cherif, 32, were orphans who were brought up in a care home in Rennes in northern France.
The CIA and its friends like to mind-control orphans from children's homes to turn them into useful patsies.
The brothers had menial jobs such as pizza delivery man, and shop assistant.

The Kouachi brothers have secular (non religious) backgrounds
Said Kouachi, 34, and his brother Cherif, 32, were orphans who were brought up in a care home in Rennes in northern France.
The CIA and its friends like to mind-control orphans from children's homes to turn them into useful patsies.
The brothers had menial jobs such as pizza delivery man, and shop assistant.

What was the purpose of the 7 January 2015 attack on the offices of the satirical weekly Charlie Hebdo by assets of Mossad?
Charlie Hebdo has reportedly made fun of the Mossad agent Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi (Simon Elliot).
Mossad reportedly wants revenge for:
France voting against Israel at the UN.
CanSpeccy alerted us to this video which apparently shows the fake shooting of the policeman.
Does the shooting of the policeman look totally fake?
Twelve people, 10 journalists and two policemen, were reportedly killed.
Amchai Stein, the deputy editor of Israeli IBA Channel 1, just happened to be at the scene and has been posting photos of the shooting.
"Two black-hooded men entered the building with Kalashnikovs. A few minutes later we heard lots of shots," a witness told local TV station iTele, adding that the men were then seen fleeing the building.
The attackers spoke perfect French and reportedly said that they support the CIA militia called al Qaeda.
Charlie Hebdo's editor-in-chief Gerard Biard escaped the attack because he was in London.

The Telegraph's David Blair writes that the Paris gunmen showed advanced military skills:

Nathan Cirillo

Ahmed Merabet

Nathan Cirillo

Ahmed Merabet.

Palestinians to join ICC on April 1st, UN chief says.


Is Paul Joseph Watson an agent of MI6?


Is Paul Joseph Watson an agent of MI6?
Labels: Amchai Stein, Baghdadi, Charlie Hebdo, conspiracy, false flag, inside job, Mossad, Palestine, Paris
Completely blatant and transparent false flag terror, attack appears to be real and common sense indicates this is a direct response to the French vote in favor of Palestine at the UN. BBC world service in full total lie mode, only words of truth in entire report a description of the attackers as "utterly ruthless". Use of Kalashnikov's solves the case according to Western media apparently, along with the masks of course, only Muslim terrorists would try and conceal their identity. BBC is reporting the gunmen stated "We have avenged the prophet" as they shot up the paper's offices. This is an absolute joke.
The paper's Editor is dead, they hit the weekly editorial meeting indicating access to quality intelligence, this will have to be written off as a coincidence as it points the wrong way.
This is a heinous attack on the French state and there is only one realistic suspect. Israel.
A convenient distraction from the Epstein/Andrew/Dershowitz paedophile fiasco
When they talk of freedom of speech what they really mean is you can insult anyone but the Jews. The perpetrators and their 'victims' are both clearly agents of the Jews who own and control the media channels. For a more accurate report of who the people behind this are go on the alternative media sites. You won't find any truth on the tv. The revolution will not be televised! It's time to wake up and my God people are finally, at last. God bless.
Until the privately owned banks and their mob associates in the CIA, MI6 and the MOSSAD are busted into a 1,000 pieces and tossed to the wind, this will happen over and over.
Whoever did the mayhem sure was slow and deliberate about their rampage, as if they knew they had time to complete their mission w/o police interference.
This makes no sense. Sure, this is a false flag, but not in revenge against France for supporting the Palestinians (fat lot of difference that would make to Zionist Israel, anyway. They got 100% coverage by the AmeriKKKan Congress from prosecution for their crimes, and that's all that matters). Indeed this is Mossad working IN CONJUNCTION WITH the French state. They've been violating Syrian and Iraqi sovereignty for months, aiding in the illegal bombing of Iraqi and Syrian land against the West's own front group, the so-called "ISIS". French politicians have, along with John McCain, been meeting up with the selfsame "terrorists" they are accusing of committing this act. As usual, it leads back to asset wars. Having gone along with the Police States and shot itself in the foot slapping sanctions on Russian gas, the faltering French economy is desperate for control of the massive gas reserves in Syria. The Pentagon is in the active phase of divvying up Syria between the Western-backed terrorists, and the impoverished terrorized Syrian population. Only this morning, before even any fake "investigation" can start, France is sending more battleships to help conquer and wrest Syria from the Syrians based ostensibly on "fighting ISIS".
Link to this among comments on Craig Murray's blog. Significant?
Seems odd that the incident was videoed at all.
And here's the same vid in slow mo.
The French government is certainly a friend of al Qaeda and ISIS.
- Aangirfan
En France, nous ne voulons ni des Juifs ni des musulmans : dehors !
W/o police interference ???? Have you actually read what happened ???
I completely agree. Good catch o the weekly meeting thing too. All that, combined with the evidently high level of training of the perpetrators points squarely to Israel as the prime suspect. The timing of the attack was just too perfect for them. Plus, the victims are mostly a bunch of leftwingers whom they don't really care about either.
142 killed in peshawar school attack no body talk ...55 killed in yamin. today... no body take care . one his work killed 155 people in 2011 every body cray ....wthat a freedom ,,,,,..
The jew never fought valiantly at Stalingrad!
Yes, I have, they were able to pull off their attack without any problems from the police.
NONE were shot or wounded by the police, who are crawling all over Paris, except on that day.
I've got an AK 47 and it makes one helluva recoil, unlike that phony recoil you see--or don't see--in the above video.
fone directory is showing Charlie Hebdo at two addresses
a) 10 r Nicolas Appert, 75011 Paris
b) 26 r Serpollet, 75020 Paris
as per Google Streetview, the video on the Telegraph is clearly taken in area around a), the video showing the "execution" could be at b)
the two sites seem to be quite far apart
the internet site related to Charlie Hebdo on is showing a very murky pdf
Has somebody out there some explanations??
‘Benoit Bringer, a journalist with Agence Premiere Ligne who saw the attack, told the iTele network he saw several masked men armed with machine guns. He said two officers arrived on bicycles, then — apparently unarmed — they left.'”
Like I said, with no police interference.
Another false flag carried out by Israel for French support of Palestinians joining the ICC. Just as three Malaysian airliners being downed in a year for that countries support of Palestine and its finding that 9/11 was an inside job carried out by, among others. Israel. Coincidence? If you believe that, I have a bridge to sell you in Brooklyn. Time to go after the worlds biggest problem. Let the war crimes tribunals begin, and if you want to make some money, invest in rope. A lot will be needed before this is over!!
Could have been a mercenary company. That is what worries me. XE would nuke any city if the money was right.
A lot of awake people here. Think the elite are getting worried? They should be.
This was obviously false flag and mossad terror methods.
Expect some Palestinians to be arrested and sent to Guantanamo, No trials and water boarded 100s of times until they admit to the killings. Palestinians better forget about getting help from the ICC international high courts
NICE FOOT WORK mossad.OOPS!0they spoke french,French secret agents. 2 police were killed to get french pissed mad. Same scene as 911
This sounds like the most logical explanation.
With so many powder keg situations going on around the world simultaneously its pretty scary right now. Any one of them could be inflamed by more false flag activity. Ugh. But we must stay strong as clarity for many folks is finally breaking through ☺
Looks like another terror "drill" gone live....
France is already a khazar whore, but their elected parliament got out of line. This was more likely a terror "drill" and/or a collusion between Mossad and the french intelligence services (run by rothschild khazar cartel banksters), to bring their parliament back into line to support endless wars on boogeymen terror puppets.
Aye........well spotted Wilson ;-) .
isreali mossad.
thanks for the video,USA news channels are blocking parts of the video to make it look more real.
Shhh the people don't want to know! ;-)
Operation Gladio 2.0
youtubes posted in comments have been taken down.
IDs left in car, now details. can't help wondering if the patsies had been rounded up prior to the attack by whomever...
NBC: Paris Attack Suspect Dead, Two in Custody, U.S. Officials Say
Most of the alt media is kosher
No doubt, false flag. Another one what is to be expected by people who want to establish the New World Order and reduce the World Population to 500 million people from 6 Billion?? All this suffering because they expect their Mesia, a monster, to come. They have all the money of the earth, but because they are neurasthenic, disturb, completely degenerated, they are no happy. Their " Holly " books have the answers to all of our questions. However my friends you must have guts to try to read them.
As good an explanation as any. I Mean it's obviously a false flag Question is Qio Bono, for what purpose. I also like a previous comment that this attack is "a convenient distraction from the Epstein/Andrew/Dershowitz pedophile fiasco"
Here are some good reasons for France doing a false flag today.
Two days before #CharlieHebdo shooting Hollande called Assad 'satan' - planned to attack #Syria. Now he has the perfect excuse!
— Partisangirl (@Partisangirl) January 7, 2015
French Carrier deployed to attack Syria 20 hours BEFORE attack on cartoon Journalist #CharlieHebdo
— Partisangirl (@Partisangirl) January 7, 2015
Terrorist dropped his ID at the scene of the crime?!
This was not 'blowback'. This was an inside job!
Totally spooky. Checked it out and Streetview dated August 2014, it's almost like this happened at neither location.
One of the attackers just left his ID in the scene LOL. Another false flag, but this had the particiaption of the French Intelligence, the current Chief of the DGSE (French Spy Agency) is the former French ambassador to Shytsrael.
The French are doing honest business with Russia, so this is what happens. The tentacles of the Rothschilids/London Crown are everywhere and they are determined to start WW3 to introduce you to the NWO and serfdom. Any country that defies the central bankers will get the now well known "terrorist" attacks, with overflowing evidence pointing away from the real perpetrators and in the opposite direction.
Why is the ISIS gesture for tawhid in this cartoon from Charlie Hebdo's editor?
Albert Pike's trinitarianism is hardly compatible with Islamic tawhid.
Seems to be a warning against French plan to sell war ships to Russia.
Boucle la espece de sale nazi
As a musilm living in the west. It gives me some comfort reading the comments above, that there are people out there that know the truth.
Maybe but at least with alt media you get different angles on a story unlike the mainstream which repeats the same dialectic over and over ad nauseaum. They also want people to know it was them. Its why they post their symbols and numbers everywhere. They are telling us
"Ok, so you figured it out. Well done and congratulations!. Now what you gonna do about it?. No one will believe you!!".
Are there ANY other examples of the above video anywhere on the web? They're quickly getting took down one by one. It seems this is the ONLY concrete proof and they know it.
Thanks Aangirfan, you have nailed this very well. The id in the car ends any idea or possibility of an authentic "terror event" in my opinion. That's where it becomes straight out insulting. My earlier comment may have erred in several respects. This may not be real after all. This is really just a rantier version of what Aangirfan has written.
Another thing that was very striking to me. All prominent Dutch politicians had a PR talk ready for the media, all with a very harsh tone that feeds fear and anger. They're talking about a war within Europe that's going to escalate and the same old jibberish about our western freedoms being threatened. I'm sure politicians in other EU governments have acted the same.
Excellent info Aang,love this site.
Never let a good staged crisis go to waste.
Bill 142 2014-2015 or the Counter-Terrorism and Security Bill 2014-15 which is working it’s way through the UK parliament.
Suddenly, with the help of “al Qaeda in Yemen”, the Charlie Hebdo attack in France is providing the Home Office in London the exact kind of “terrorist threat” they need to push this legislation through and they are calling in the COBRA meeting to set it all in place.
The government’s Cobra emergency committee will meet on Thursday following Wednesday’s terror attack on the Paris office of satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo, in which 12 people, including eight journalists and two police officers, were shot dead.
Home Secretary Theresa May will chair the meeting and ministers, police and security advisers will attend.
Senior security officials suggest a similar attack is likely to strike the UK.
The whore MSM are now reporting that the two heavily armed suspects have been evading capture for several hours whilst travelling about in the same Renault Clio. Last seen driving off from a petrol garage in the direction of Paris.
And yet no one can find them LOL.
Echoes of UK false flags here ... handy garage forcourt CCTV propaganda such as the the CCTV stuff presented in the MSM & in court for Lee Rigby FF stageshow.
Too bad the media doesn't make the same revolting response to violence when the USA and Israel are the one dropping the bombs and mass murdering on a daily basis! If this same corporate-owned media would somehow come clean and report the REAL truth, we wouldn't have false flag fever loose on the world and the biggest perpetrators would have been tried at Nuremberg! Both the media AND the pro-war NWO crowd are complicit in any and all "terrorist" events like this because they allow the REAL perpetrators to go scott free.
The NEWS on the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation this morning featured a CSIS(Canadian Security Agency), employee speaking about the French "terrorist" attack. They could have put on a CIA employee for all the difference it made in his interview. All these agencies, including France's belong to the same club of spreading mayhem for the Anglo/American/Zionist agenda. And they all have a seditious relationship with the world's pandering media of presstitutes.
In the video the alleged head shot is seen to land some feet in front of the alleged policeman victim.and it looks like wadding or perhaps only powder hitting the ground. Obviously a blank. Blanks, no blood etc,etc, etc............. another false flag and possible a total hoax
Notice at the beginning - "Amchai Stein, deputy editor of Israels IBA Channel 1 "just happened" to be there to film the whole event.
Wow! what a "lucky" coicidence.
It's a HOAX
This is part of the attacks on the uk "moanarchy" and links to other events worldwide and is not a distraction if viewed in its true context.Epstein =Maxwell=Mossad .This is further evidence of the desperate and deranged zionist,s stranglehold on their puppets and their fiefdoms.All roads lead to Israel and to Jerusalem where there live many " Archons".Peace & Love mon ami x
in order for the attacks to make sense- the cartoons must have offended someone- who? al baghdadi was the butt of the cartoon and we are to believe that he was sooo angry that they made fun of his religion that he ordered the attack. there are problems with that explanation: al baghdadi is in fact JEWISH. his name is elliot shimon- look it up. so a jewish man would not take offense at islam being insulted. second- a simple bomb would have sufficed with no one to witness the attack- that is how a real attack would have been carried out- no risk. third, not to mention the IDs left in the car, when the attack was described a military precision- which i am sure includes never carrying an ID when you are on a mission!
here are the links showing baghdadi is jewish and mossad:
False flags always are conincide with MSM, media offensive.
Also Google JewishZionazis search page has a black tie with title: In honour of the victims of HebDo!!!
Just tell to anyone whats happening about this and other and coming FALSE FLAGS,
Destroying Freedom of speach avery kind of freedom!!!
The shooting video removed by U-Tube is on Live Leak:
Camera perfectly placed and waiting to shoot. Cop shot twice. No blood on white sidewalk. Second bullet or blank kicks up dust from sidewalk. Cops body does not move on bullet impact. Shooters run down street about thirty yards before going back to car. Do not enter any buildings. So no attack on any office. Hello!
You can be sure that millions of people all over the world know the truth. Clever people know who is responsible for all the trouble in this world - it is not the muslims.
It seems someone ( we know who that someone is......) tries desperately to start a war between Christians and Muslims.
We have to stop this nonsense.
And here is the slow motion version of it:
KEEN observation that France had their 'Je Suis Charlie' signs at the ready. Hmmm wonder who funded that printing?
I doubt the suspects were even at massacre - clearly leaving ID in the car is incompatible with what was obviously a carefully planned operation, probably with insider help of some kind. The suspects were set up as patsies and a diversion while the real killers fled the country. It's all very reminiscent of the Boston Marathon Bombing.
Good point about the placards - see also the manufactured demonstrations during the 'Arab Spring', I think.
Could the terror attack in Paris be the latest in a long line of state sponsored false flag events?
Was this pay back for France daring to suggest to the world that Palestine be recognised by as a state?
Why were the roads so quiet just after rush hour in central Paris?
Why did we not see the 3rd suspect in any of the images?
Why is there no blood when the police officer is assassinated?
And then finally, the pasty emerges....
And all this at a time when anti-muslim feelings begin to run deep in Europe..
The NZer reported to be working for isis...that is a muslim convert...appears to be a NZ jew.There were reports about him giving his position away by using social media.The head of MI5,Parker,is a jew...and now it is known that his equivalent in France is also a jew.ditto the Danish version.Then there are Kitteridge and Fletcher in NZ BOTH Jews.Infact Fletcher is a former school mate of John "bohemian grove"Key NZ's zionist PM.The Fletchers in NZ are jewish oligarchs...connected with the Fletcher construction company.They decide NZ's social policies without regard to the wishes of the majority of NZers.The Jew controls the intelligence services ( secret police) of all western countries...thus there is tyranny in the offing
Interesting. Just as with 911 - a couple hours into it and 'it's the Muslims' talking point was broached. An hour or two later and Bin Laden's name was raised and before the day was over everyone 'knew' Bin Laden was the first man in history to make 3 office towers collapse with a bit of jet fuel and paper.
He still rolls over (albeit slowly) after being shot and adopts a fetal type position. A kill shot would have triggered a reflex action, there is also no splatter around the head except for a faint white puff of ricochet impact dust/smoke above and beyond his head. Quite peculiar...
You likely know this but I'll write it anyway. Wishing for the media to 'come clean' is like wishing for the owners of the Int'l Banking Cartel to come clean. The media bosses are whores to the bankers and those who work in the media are either stupidly blinded to reality (which is kind of amusing when one considers - they're reporters and it should kinda be in the job description to ask probing questions) or they're flat turned-out whores themselves.
The more people tune out the media, tune out the propaganda campaigns, tune out the politicians and the phony 'elections' the more quickly we can begin to clean up this rotten, stinking cesspool for children not yet born.
It is time. The bell is tolling for those who can hear.
Yeah, Stein clearly is a high quality reporter who possesses 'a nose for news'...
This is a truthful site [like] that exposes many crimes and thank you for all your efforts.
I see Greg B. posting here and it's nice to read his comments. People like Greg has very few places to post comments because most people who are running websites are Zionist agents or people who lack courage to face the truth.
Thanks again and all the best!
No, the drill is always the event. All drills are live and planned. Drills involve actors and role playing. Nobody gets hurt. Sometimes the meda portray them as real with real deaths.
This was a staged event. It was not a rehearsal for anything. Again,there will be no victims.
how much blood actually comes out from a close range shot to the head
2 days ago ... French President Francois Hollande says he wants Western sanctions on Russia to be lifted
Re Paul Joseph Watson, no idea if he or anyone else works for whatever agency however, he is by and large a useless tosser who I ignore. Attempts at gatekeeping by PJW are bizarre and deluded. Five years ago people like PJW mattered, not any more. Not even worth hating. in my opinion.
OMG it might be...the facts and the findings and concerns are completely showing what it was and who had planned and whoever saying whatever they most go thru think their own senses... hope reality will come in light and people will open eyes to see the dark part of bloody power super who doing this in name of offer other n innocent suffering this.
So lets get to the point; did 12 people die yes or no?
I find that really odd too. It looks like a corporate logo and is everywhere. Who came up with it? Why does everyone have the same print out?
I want to know who was conveniently located on the rooftop at that time of day videoing all this? I haven't seen anyone questioning who that is.
The cop on the pavement was murdered AFTER they had shot up the office.
Hi all, I am a muslim, and I strongly condemn any kind of attack and violence against innocent civilians under any circumstance, as it is inhumane unacceptable and goes against my beliefs. I would like to add some other inconsistancies that further discredit the 'official story;
As terrorists and extremist nutjobs, why didn't they destroy the offices of c.h; and everything related to the cartoons that supposedly pushed them to commit such a heinous act? (isn't that what isis and the likes do?)
They shouted 'we have avenged the prophet mohammad!', not followed by 'peace be upon him', which is a phrase amost evryone of the 2 bil muslims in the world says following the prophet's name (pbuh), let alone radical religious extremists.
Why did the attack happen now? weren't the first cartoons published in 2006?
Also, while it might not be related and may just be a coincidence, but did you know that a police chief in limoges, France just commited suicide, and 'he was working with the judiciary police on the case of charlie hebdo'? here's the link to the french article
We live in a strange spooky dangerous world, and events are unfolding in a faster more ferocious pace, all we can do is open our eyes, hearts and minds and unite to stop the direct and indirect oppression that 99% of the world is living under.
May we all find true peace and freedom someday
Unfortunately cant be accessed now, bad boys must have messed with it badly, thats why I am very angry
al qaeda scarecrow, full propaganda
look whos talking now
How on earth is it possible for two professional killers to forget their ID card
yea, real or fake doesn't really matter ... we focalise on the attack, but the core of the thing is the media campaign,
then later the political(military) action or laws will come ..
Most likely we will never know. Sheeple must be kept in the dark. I was asking myself the same thing, its simple and logic.
Most sheeple would not understand what a 7.62 would do. Don't watch if faint-hearted. We have to believe what we are told, "WE" cannot prove otherwise? Yet, if 12 people were "killed" where are the bodies? If not the complicity is very worrying.
Check this and be quick before it gets banned
Set up
That alone is what tipped me off to the fact that this was a staged psy-op because I found it most odd that all those placards were printed & seen in numerous countries around the world so fast. This is reminiscent of the Sandy Hook webpages with the Google date stamps PRECEDING the actual event. The leaving of their IDs in the car is reminiscent of 9/11 when the passport of Mohammed Atta was found at the site of the carnage. Their psy-ops are getting sloppier as if they are trying to expose themselves in the act.
I find it most interesting that this attack comes at a time when further reports of the elite having underaged "sex slaves" was coming out in the press. That Dershowitz scumbag was implicated now he is riding on his high horse trashing France for not being pro Zionist enough. Talk about odd timing.
military training means they would not have carried any IDs, much less left them there to be found. that alone proves this was a false flag setup to villify muslims. looks like mossad struck again. the world's most successfull terrorist group!
2 more infos for you. First news website to disclose the identities of the "suspects" was a zionist website in french language. see link below before it gets removed
The website obtained all three identities from a facebook post made by Pierre Martinet a former DGSE agent (post on facebook has been removed but link is the url above). Zionist news website also posted the ids before everyone else, from a "high level" source they wont disclose. this was before the scoop made it to the news channel.
2nd info - the getaway car of the terrorists at charlie hebdo, was abandonned in front of a.... kosher pastry shop.. you can t make this up. see link with pictures at the zionist website here:
thanks for the work we need to help people wake up or we re headed straight to ww3
Well said.
The guy on the roof wearing the flack jacket in the street video appeared on CNN and lied through his teeth. That whole roof top crew were agents.
YES!!! I was watching the seemingly often "orchestrated" & dramatic coverage of the Paris crisis on CNN.
I kept wondering---HOW DID THEY GET THIS PROFESSIONAL FOOTAGE of THIS EXACT INCIDENT???... Do they have street security cameras there in Paris, as they do all around the City of London??!!...Is that the source?..
The full-color coverage was very well-filmed and steady--no breaks, poor visibility or amateur interferences. How would someone know to film a block of parked cars like that just at the right time???...
No explanation has been provided on CNN, but that's pretty critical to confirm the credibility of the event, IMHO. Either way, it is a TRAGEDY and legitimately underscores how Journalism today is being compromised by fear and intimidation around the World. (& not just in response to jihadists--the corporate "powers that be" dictate so many news stories and angles these days in the USA!)-
great article, I agree and uploaded three vids on youtube.the latest one doesnt seem t reach the masses since its title is mossad is responsible for charlie hebdo ..people need to wake up. thebacktindia channel youtube
I think the blog here hits it correctly. I agree though after finding out InfoWars Prison Planet and it's trusty vitamin pills to protect you form the NWO were being repped by the same lawyer that handled a Bronfam Family fortune heir I decided to stop taking seriously. That and the way over the top rants of demon possessed hipsters made wonder if someone was laughing hard.
Guy, or guys on the roof reminds of the Boston Blow Job as in Daily Mail article of please ignore the hulking guy on the roof minutes to the explosions....
Coincidentally the 7th January was St Winebald Day according the satanic calendar.
"Operation Gladio 2.0" is what I also said, word for word when it happened. First, it was the Communists, now it is the Muslims.
"By Way of Deception, Thou Shalt Do War" the infamous slogan of the MOSSAD must be kept in mind while we consider current events. Looking at the timing of the Charlie Hebdo murders, the recent events in Paris are very suspicions. Every time somebody supports Palestine horrible things happen to them. France just voted to recognize Palestine just one month ago setting off a slew of increased worldwide support for Palestine. One automatic that I keep in mind every time one of these events transpire is we must always remember is that the Media is Zionist controlled so anything and everything one hears on CNN-ABC-NBC-CBS-FOX-NPR-BBC, etcetera has been cleared and orchestrated by the CIA-MI6-MOSSAD intelligence filter and the like. I come from a military and medical scientific background so I tend to look at all of these type incidents as FALSE FLAG events until proven otherwise because generally they have been, common things being common. Cui Bono (Who Benefits) from an incident like this is another very important factor to consider. Look at the facts. The Zionist can benefit from this event immensely and the MOSSAD we know are perfect for this type operation. There was a camera well placed before the attack. The MOSSAD are highly trained professional military and these attacks were carried out with military precision. The operators were very calm, methodical and skillful in a way that I have only seen with advanced counter-terrorist type training. They worked off a target list and they got away clean initially. There is a huge-anti New World Order political party in France that has been gaining power Called Marine Le Pen. Prominent leaders in this party are anti-Israel and anti New World Order. They are blaming this event and these attacks on those leaders of the Le Pen party already. The ZIONIST needed one of these operations in France. Look at what happened recently in Malaysia. In 2013 the Kuala Lumpur War Crimes Tribunal found Israel guilty of war crimes in occupied Palestine. How dare an Islamic country accuse and CONVICT Israel of war crimes? Suddenly, in 2014, Airplanes from Malaysia based airlines start falling out of the sky like flies and continue to do so I might add. Let's look back at Norway in 2011. Norway had a labor youth party wing that was pushing through a complete BLOCKADE of Israel. Suddenly the entire leadership of the organization gets massacred in what we now know was a professional MOSSAD operation falsely blamed on a lone nut. I could increased this list Ad Infinitum. Keep your eye on the ball. Cui Bono?
No doubt it's a false flag. I wonder if the print shop where the Charlie Hebdo killers met their fate is where all the Je Suis Charlie posters were printed?
Just ask Keith Johnson (or Mark Glenn, Piper, etc) if its real or not. If he says its real, you know its not. Easy.
yeah & also 911 there were guys on roof tops nearby who moved around like agents with ear-pieces
Retourne à ta grotte sale con
Make a street view on Allee Verte and Boulevard Richard Lenoir, that clear things up
i agree!!!
i mentioned government sponsered terrorism on Facebook they didnt like that comment and blocked it!
good job ... makes alot of sense should make more ppl aware of this
Netanyahu said, back in november, that France was going to commit a Grave Mistake if they were to recognize a Palestinian State. Said and done.
please the track sound of the first video thank u
Wow, what a lesson, Big Daddy Don! Cheers!
I personally would love to know more. Where can I learn more?
very often emergency service response to terrorist attack drills take place in the same place and/or same way, and even perhaps at the same time as the real terrorist attack. this practice event could be filmed and this used later when the 'real' terrorist attack occurs.9 (i'm thinking of Martin Place, Sydney which occurred about 3 weeks ago, 9/11, etc)
Fascinating site, and comments! So many questions for me - why? who?
So what I want to know is are ANY of these reported dead people actually dead?
Was it actually those 2 brothers who were the hostage takers or is that just a cover up? Was it actors? Are THEY dead?!
Although some say this is a retaliation for demanding the end of sanctions of the RF and or the informal recognition of a Palestinian State it makes more sense to believe that is mainly a vehicle to pass draconian rules to control and reverse the free movement regime in the EU.
Just one month ago, France set off a stampede when its lower house voted to recognize Palestine. Now Palestine is in the International Criminal Court, poised to take down Israel for genocide.
Suddenly "Islamic terror strikes France." Is Paris being punished for its pro-Palestine vote?
In late 2013, Malaysia's Kuala Lumpur Tribunal found Israel guilty of genocide. A few months later, Malaysian planes started falling out of the sky.
In 2011, Norway's Labor Party's youth wing was poised to impose a complete blockade on Israel. Suddenly the entire leadership of the Party's youth wing was slaughtered in a professional operation falsely attributed to a lone nut, Anders Breivik
Don't accept who the media is blaming for the attacks! Key points...
1) Hooded Assasins don't drop ids
2) Criminals on the run don't leave an evidence trail(jihadist flags in car).
3) Bodies of corpses must match those at the crime scene, heights and weights. Suspects were brothers and only 2 years apart.
4) Martyrs don't wear hoods also these are not martyrs because they murdered innocent.
5) Video of the car in and out of paris must be shown to the public. Faces prior to slipping on hoods must be shown.
6) FIrst images of attack were supplied by an Israeli camerman on the scene.
7) Israel has used STOLEN identities in the past to commit false flag attacks(lavon affair, jerusalem bombing, dubai assasinations).
8) Israel in the past has pretended to be al qaeda and recruit...
9) SImilarities between Mumbai attacks and paris attacks, both attacks ended with MUSLIMS seeking refuge in JEWISH OWN BUSINESSES. Mossad has set up business fronts and run operations out of them. Mumbai attacks the "muslim terrorists" stood at a JEWISH CENTER FOR WEEKS and stock piled weapons. There is no VIDEO of these other terrorists in mumbai. The only video released was that of the two pakistani scape goats.
10) THE CHIEF POLICE OFFICER in charge of the Charlie Hebdo assasinations commits SUICIDE!
Spread the word...
As David Icke Says, Problem, Reaction, Solution!!!
more evidence of foul play!5576&app=WordPdf&wdo=1
A pdf about it!5576&app=WordPdf
Thanks, I added your info to my pdf!5576&app=WordPdf&wdo=1
check this out!5576&app=WordPdf&wdo=1
very smart !!
Check those cars against the cars in other videos .they don't match.Video was shot at a different time.?!
News of the Rothschilds buying Charlie Hebdo just prior to the false flag (à la Larry Silverstein who bought the two towers that collapsed on 9/11) was reported on French blogs but then removed completely. :
Chutzpah : Charlie Hebdo a été racheté par Rothschild un mois avant le massacre !
C’est le très sérieux magazine économique néerlandais Quote qui a révélé l’information le 9 janvier dernier. Le journal allemand NeoPresse s’en ai fait l’écho le 19 janvier 2014. ...
The original links, which I saved with the original article still work:
You're totally correct and here's proof:
1) France had just helped Muslims; as with The Masonic Norway attack this was the trigger!
2) Hebdo reportedly owned by a Rothschild corp;
3) French investigating police chief suicided;
4) Date/name gematria has JEWISH MASONIC MAFIA written all over!
Cabala Numerology on the "CHARLIE HEBDO ATTACK" on "1/7/2015":
Chaldean: (Jewish-Masonic fingerprint)
Vowels-21(3) Masonic Favorite Number both 2+1(sex magic) and the "3"!
Total-13(4) Anagram of Pi see:1) Pi Basis of Judaism
2) Weapons of Jewish MAFIA
Consonants-10(1) eloHIM 'gods'/phallus their favorite toy.
Pythagorean: (Jewish-Masonic fingerprint)
Vowels-21(3) eloHIM 'gods'/phallus their favorite toy.
Total-74(11) Does not boad well as its one from "Clocks strikes 12" ( Saturn reaper)
Consonants-10(1) eloHIM 'gods'/phallus their favorite toy.
If you're in the UK or Sweden you'll want to see this video as you're marked with 9/11 style numerology for a 'fall'!
11-"does not boad well as thats one before the Saturn 12 reaper!
UK/Sweden flag falling (See 3 images/half way down blog page)
of the Boston Cabala Bombing Rituals that starred Solomon's Temple at the finish line!
Its the first thing I thought when I heard of the 13/11 Paris attacks,
this is orchestrated with high precision
and unexpected freedom (no checks on the Bataclan theatre, no checks on the stadium, etc..).
Wasn't all of Europe (particulary France!) on strict Security Measures?
Wasn't the police and Secret Service following activity in the city cameras?
Stop baming Israel. Israel and Mossad! Israel, the fascist and most unlawful state in teh world, is nothing but a stooge of US and NATO imperialism. The US, UK and France are in charge of these psyops and false flags!!!!!! They would rather you blame Israel for it. Yes Israel participates in these crimes just as Saudi and Turkey and Qatar do but the US ruling class has disseminated the idea that Israel runs the US and not the other way around so that they can keep people in the dark about imperialism, the last stage of capitalism. Imperialism is now headed by the US, France, UK, Germany, Italy and Japan. Educate yourselves!
Already exposed that a "security agency" for the building conveniently recorded the 'events'. The recorder must have been a 'security robot', though, since it didn't fear being shot by the 'terrorists'. Now, what creeps would own such a 'security' joint, if it were not joos-mossad?
"Is Paul Joseph Watson an agent of MI6?"
I don't trust this guy. I believe he's an agent provocateur.
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